Category: Fall 2020

Meeting the Challenges of 2020
Richard Linton, dean of NC State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, thanks faculty, staff, students and agricultural innovators who are persevering and making progress.

How Much Do You Know About Agriculture in North Carolina?
Take our quiz and your agricultural IQ will grow.

Jason Davis Pursues Passion for Farming
Jason Davis didn't come from an agricultural family; he chose it. He's diversifying to stay in farming.

Doris and Donald Kidd Develop Niche Markets
Turning to farming in retirement, Doris and Donald Kidd decided to grow elephant garlic, a specialty crop buyers are willing to pay more for.

From Sunrise to Startups, Grad Students Plan Futures
Whether it’s organic peanut production, better options for soybean crop rotation or finding new ways to help crops thrive, CALS graduate students are poised to make a difference.

Jose “Pepe” Calderon Markets Sweet Potatoes Internationally
As an exporter with Barnes Farming, Jose "Pepe" Calderon created an international craving for sweet potatoes.

Farmer of the Year James Lamb Innovates in Two Roles
James Lamb excels as both a contract piglet producer and as an environmental specialist for Prestage Farms.

Aquaculture Inspires a Fresh Approach for Produce Farm
Lettuce tell you how two graduate students who met in NC State’s Fish Barn decided to grow hydroponic greens for the Triangle.

Biochemistry Master’s Students Ahead of the Curve
Mentors, financial support, research experience and jobs are the benefits graduate students find through NC State's Interdisciplinary Biochemistry Master’s Program.

I AM CALS: Alumna Feeds the Demand for Local Foods
As consumers search for more local products in their stores, it’s up to 2016 CALS graduate Jennifer Badger to meet the demand at East Coast locations of The Fresh Market.